Upcoming Webinar – Secrets You Must Know About IP Protection & Commercial Agreements
Charles To (Partner) and Salina Ip (PRC Patent Agent) will talk about patent, registered design and global filing strategy, confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement and employment agreement in our upcoming 5 May 2021 Webinar.
Charles and Salina both have a strong science background and are highly experienced in assisting clients in building up and commercialising their IP portfolio. If you are interested in protecting your IP assets and avoiding pit-falls in commercial agreements, this is a must-watch webinar.
Please join our webinar on 5 May 2021 at 3:30pm (Hong Kong time) with Charles and Salina and spread the words to your colleagues and friends who you think will benefit from this webinar. The details of the webinar are below:-
Topic: Secrets on IP protection and Commercial Agreements
Date: Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Time: 3:30 p.m (HKT)
Deadline for Registration: Please sign up by 3:30p.m. on Tuesday 4 May 2021 and a zoom link will be sent to you upon registration. (